I think I found a butterfly
Where owls once took control
Who watch the world with stoic eye
Sweep silent through my soul
This tiny patch of coloured motion
Has wings of lucent steel
That cut with patience and devotion
Their way through lock and seal
His hesitating maiden flight
swirls ashes of lost fires
reveals lost embers, that just might
suffice to spark desires
Six unassertive searching feet
Touch strings stretched through the void
Add music to my lone hearts beat
That sadness once destroyed
I think I found a butterfly
Where no one was suspected
Where rules of logic don’t apply
And I felt well protected…
I thought my walls were bulletproof
And still he found a way…
His frantic dance might blow the roof
Make space for him to stay
I watch this teeny mighty beast
Spread chaos in my secret lair
Quite bold and brave to say the least
Pour fuel on the timid flare
I think I found a butterfly
He seems to feel at home
I fear that if I welcome him
Many more will come…
